
Modern Technology Developing the Ancient World

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Modern Technology Developing the Ancient World

Maps have revolutionized how we view the world, how we think, and how we conceptualize location. They facilitate our travel from point A to B and they are crucial in the decision-making process. Additionally, they are becoming more integrated into our daily life.

The history of this fascinating technology dates to 1854 when John Snow, a British doctor, started documenting the locations of cholera outbreaks in London. However, the advancement of multiple technologies has contributed to improvements in GIS. The use of databases, computer mapping, remote sensing, programming, geography, mathematics, computer-aided design, and computer science play a key role in the development of this technology.

Today, GIS has developed from static paper maps that were used in the past, to dynamic digital ones. We now move from straightforward analysis to trickier problem-solving. When you compare John Snow in the past, to the present technology-savvy John Snow, you must ask yourself one question: How has GIS developed into its current state and how has it developed the world?

GIS modifies our thinking and behavior. It changes things. It incorporates spatial science into all we do, including the methods used for measurement, analysis, prediction, planning, design, evaluation, and, ultimately, long-term management. The world is already understanding more thanks to GIS. It offers a framework for changing the world through various endeavors.

Today, geographic information can be included into an organization’s intricate network design, optimization, planning, and maintenance processes, GIS data can also be used to identify accident location, urban planning, transportation planning, agricultural applications, banking, taxation, food damage estimation, natural resource management and many more.

Given the tremendous problems our world is currently facing, it is obvious that GIS is required if we are to jointly build a better future. We must make the most of our brightest minds, creative abilities, design skills, technological advancements, and scientific knowledge. It’s a sizable task—and a spatial challenge by definition—that calls for a lot of GIS expertise.

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